Complimentary registration | 1 | 1 |
Exhibit space (1.8m wide, 0.9m depth, 2.1m height) including:
- Cloth covered 1 table (1.8m wide, 0.9m depth, 2.1m height) with 1 chair
- Back panels (0.9m wide, 2.1m height) 2 panels connected
- (Space for display: 1.8m wide x 1.2m height)
- Company name board at the top of the back panel | | |
Exhibitor tabletop staff badges
* Badges grant access to exhibit hall, lunches and breaks | | |
Listed as exhibitor on website and printed materials | | |
Identified as an exhibitor on signs during the Symposium | | |
| JPY 120,000 | JPY 200,000 |